Relations can also use scripting variables as part of their key definitions, thus making a relation dynamic, such as customers-to-orders that occurred within seven days of a specified date. 关系的键定义中也可以使用脚本变量,从而使一个关系变得动态,比如在某个指定日期的7天之内发生的“客户-订单”。
Sets the selected dates in a month calendar control to the specified date range. 将月历控件中的选定日期设置为指定的日期范围。
The specified date and time are in the past. No reminder will be set. Is this OK? 所指定的日期和时间已过期。无法设置提醒。是否确定?
You can delete all job history or only history that is older than a specified date. 可以删除所有作业历史记录,或者仅删除早于指定日期的历史记录。
By Lawson futures exchange specified date of admission tickets. 可以通过罗森便利店预购指定日期的入场交换券。
( finance) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date. (金融)在一个指定日期商业纯利润的户头。
Function to obtain the day of the month from a specified date. 函数从指定日期中获取月份中的某一天。
Buyer requires the assembly to be delivered by a specified date. 买方要求在指定日期交付大会。
Calculates the day of the week in the specified date. 计算指定日期中的周中日期。
The procedure used to crimp the cords has been changed as of the specified date of introduction. 自指定的推出日期起,用于压紧绳索的步骤已经更改。
Returns an integer that represents the month of the specified date. 返回表示指定日期的月份的整数。
But there has also been a significant shift in the options markets ( where investors trade the right, but not the obligation, to buy or to sell a currency at a specified date in the future). 期权市场(在这个市场上,投资者交易的是未来某个特定日期买卖某种货币的权利、而非义务)也发生了重大转变。
When overridden in a derived class, deletes all user-profile data for profiles in which the last activity date occurred before the specified date. 在派生类中重写后,此方法删除最后一次活动在指定日期之前发生的配置文件的所有用户配置文件数据。
The contracts often included a promised interest rate hike if the company did not list by a specified date. 此类合同通常包括以下条款:公司承诺,如未能在特定日期前上市,将提高贷款利息。
That is set to the specified date. 返回设置为指定日期的。
Subtracts the specified date and time from this instance. 从此实例中减去指定的日期和时间。
Point in time restore will halt the restoration of transaction log entries recorded after the specified date and time. 时点恢复将阻止在指定日期和时间之后记录的事务日志项的恢复。
Removes the specified date from the list of monthly bolded dates. 从每月中粗体格式日期的列表中移除指定日期。
A loan that is payable on or before a specified date. 在规定日期或之前偿付的贷款。
To correct this problem, modified hardware has been used as of the specified date of introduction. 为解决此问题,自指定启用日期起,已开始使用修改过的硬件。
Returns the year in the specified date. 返回指定日期中的年份。
Calculates the date that is the specified number of years away from the specified date. 计算与指定日期相距指定年数的日期。
Modified brake pads have been installed as of the specified date of introduction. 自规定的启用日期起,均已安装了改进后的制动片。
Object that is set to the specified date, time, and era. 返回设置为指定的日期、时间和纪元的。
An endorsement without a specified date is deemed to be made prior to the date of maturity. 背书未记载日期的,视为在汇票到期日前背书。
The account will be started from the date we receive your payment if you do not have any specified date. 如客户没有指定日期,客户户口的生效期由本会收到广告费用当日开始计算。本会必须收到客户的广告费用后才会启动客户之户口。
Likewise, if a prize is declined or not accepted before a specified date, the Nobel Foundation retains the prize money in its trust. 同样地,如果在一个限定的日期之前有个奖项一直都拒绝或不被接受,那么诺贝尔基金会将保留奖金并代为托管。
Fixed awards that are set to specified date in the DB not showing correct year for winners. 修正了在数据库中为评奖冠军得主设定的特定日期显示不正确年份的问题。
Method returns a number between1and13that indicates the month associated with a specified date. 方法返回一个介于1到13之间的数字来表示与指定日期关联的月份。
Control that wraps the user control to expire the cache entry at the specified date and time. 控件在指定的日期和时间使缓存项过期。